Whilst looking for examples of realism based album covers, I stumbled upon the band Birthcontrol. After doing a bit of investigating into the rest of their album covers I found a clear motif for the realism style. Pictured above are 3 of their album covers which all use the realism art style in a unique way.
Image 1, the cover for the album Plastic People.
This album features a long line of people coming off of what appears to be earth. Each of these individuals of which we can see are different. The first person has a clock for a face, the 2nd looks normal, the 3rd has his gas mask and further down the line is a religious figure. Perhaps the title "Plastic People" is reference to how when people take on a profession they become absorbed into it and that becomes what personifies them.
The realism style is clear from the face of the first character. The everyday item of a clock has been morphed into a person to create an image which doesn't show reality. Realism is also used in terms of the planet that the line of people are coming off. It could be Earth, but its not the Earth that we know. Instead it is a distorted perception of our reality.
The image of the band members coming out of the sand dunes has gone down the same route.
After finding some examples of abstract album covers online, I wanted to investigate how I could go about making something of a similar nature.

The self titled album from Factory Floor |
With the bands name being "Tempesst" and a tempest being a violent storm, it would connote the chaos which is associated with the word.
I found the above images on the Mirror80 blog. The blog focuses on the combination of retro ideas and styles with a modern twist to them. The first image, the sand pineapple, is an image that I really like. It isn't of a contemporary style and its really out there. I haven't seen any pieces like this before and I would like to create an image of a similar type and see how it could be incorporated into my print production. The image also has the flavours of surrealism thrown in as well with the image not being representative of anything realistic. There is a clear motif developing on how I would like my work to look. I want to use abstract ideas whilst maintaining a minimalist style.
The second image of the rock uses contrasting colours effectively to create a soothing image. I really like the colour schemes used here and am thinking of incorporating a contrasting colour scheme into my print production.
This blog post seems confused - is it supposed to be a case study or is it supposed to be your investigation into visual styles? if it is the former, there needs to be more of a sustained analysis of the CD covers you've chosen. Focus on techniques used and their effect on the audience.